Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Half the days off

So, I was planning to get 30 days for this little trip I'm planning to take. Today they told me I will get 15 plus whatever days for travel.
I still plan to visit these places, I guess I just won't spend as much time in a couple of them as I had planned. Fun will still be had. Currt-Dawg is known for having fun.

It will be kinda tricky with the dog in the car and all. So far I have it figured out to between 50 and 60 hours of driving time all together. I'll figure it more exact as the day to leave gets closer.

This being a writer thing is kinda fun. Today I took care of my travel voucher for school and worked on my orders out of here. After lunch I got to replace ceiling tile. I also got to put a key box onto a block wall. Man, I'm glad I became a writer.


  1. Yo, keep me posted on when you'll be coming through. We're supposed to be having an exercise somewhere near the beginning of October. Also, My Chemical Romance has a show on the 5th, and I think I might be able to score an extra ticket if you're interested. By the way, is that Mike McCool in that picture? Lovin' the hooka!

  2. Yup, that's McCool in the pic. See what you can do about that ticket.
