Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Him learns real good

My social class is over now. So far I know I'm rocking at least a 90 without the final. I won't know what I got on the final until the end of next week. As long as I get a score in the mid 80s I'll be good. I'm pretty sure that I got that. Looks like I won't need to read that book after all. Good thing too because I know that I won't read a book in two weeks and write a paper about it.

The paper comes out Friday. I know that two of my stories got pulled. I'm not real sure if I wrote a third one or not. Nope, the third one didn't happen becouse it's not happening for two years. There was a fourth but that guy does his thing to make money so we didn't do that one. I do have that Man on the Street thing though. I guess I have that going for me.

I finished my CDCs today and by finished them I do mean that I skipped the writing parts and went right to the unit review exercises. We'll see how that works out for me.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First weekend of learning

Class wasn't too bad this weekend. We got out early all weekend. The class is more of a descussion group than a lecture.
Satruday we had the first half of our first test. And the rest of the test is due Thursday by noon. We'll have another test Saturay and the findal on Sunday. Even though we spend the whole weekend in a room learning, it doesn't seem like we are there as long as we are. Too bad they don't have more classes set up like this, I would probably take more. I'll take more anyway so I can get the Air Force to pay for my classes before they kick me out next year.

I walked out the front door the other night to starch my uniform and there was a Black Widow making house right there in the door. She was on the outside of the door, so that's a good thing. The bad thing is I haven't seen it since. That's ok though because it probably won't make its way all the way into the living area. The question is are there more? I guess we'll find out.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Look, it's a shaking dog!!

Sunday Pedro was in the yard and I was trying to get him to play. He didn't want to. After a while he rolled on his back and started shaking. It was pretty bad and he looked scared. I wasn't too worried about it until he tried to stand up and fell over. He had trouble walking and he couldn't balance himself too well when he tried to eat. I got out the phone book, found an animal hospital and put him in the car. The place was closed. I also didn't see any others. Monday I got him in and they checked him out and took blood. Turns out he had a seizure. It wasn't a bad one, the kind where he loses control of bowels. Tuesday the vet called and said that the blood work showed no metabolic reason for it so they are classifying it as Epilepsy.

There is medicine, but that destroys the liver so they don't want to give it to him if the attacks aren't bad or frequent. I have to watch and see how he does.

I start my socialology class tomorrow night. It's from 5 until 10. I also have it Saturday from 8 until 6 and Sunday 8 until 4. I'll also have it on those times next week. It's just a two week class. Figure it's a quick way to get back into the school thing.

Remember that toe that I smashed in February? Well, it's still bruised and now the nail is loose. I think I might finally lose it, woohoo!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Camp Grandma's House

I made my little trip over the weekend. Although I left two hours earlier this time than last, I still stayed over in Columbus, IN. That will happen when it takes two hours to get through the holiday weekend traffic that is Atlanta. I haven't ever seen so many cars broke down in my life as I seen just between here and Atlanta. It's official, Georgia has deer. How do I know? I seen one lying on the side of the highway.
Saturday I got to my grandma's in the morning. She was watching Dylan. I went to my mom's new house to help the guy that came into town for the race finish putting the blinds up. Every year a couple of friends of my grandparents come from North Carolina for the race weekend, that's Memorial Day weekend for those of you not from Indiana. We all went to dinner on Saturday for my mom's birthday. The lady asked if I was going to stay in next year when my elistment is up and I told her that I was going to move in with them and go to UNC. She thought that was a good idea. UNC is the first choice of school if I have to get out. She's going to get me the information about getting in. Guess it's hard to get in if you aren't a resident of North Carolina and just being born there doesn't count. It's either there or IU, either way doesn't bother me. Both have good basket ball teams. I don't play, something about not being aloud to run into the other players, and you have to be able to shoot the ball.
Since I was in Indy I had to listen to the race on the radio. Unless you have a satelite you don't get the race live in town without going to a bar or someplace. That's ok I was out getting the car washed anyway. Even though I happened to catch the last fifty or so laps on the radio I still watched it when it came on the T.V. That was a nice finish. I also took the training wheels off of Dylan's bike. I raised them because I was tired of seeing both of them on the ground, he's six and has had the bike since Christmas. After he went up and down the drive way a couple of times, not balancing at all, he wanted them off. He only fell once and that was when he was turning around, but he didn't get more than two rotations on the pedals before putting his feet down.
Monday he was able to go down half of the drive way pedaling. He fell once and that was the end of the no training wheels. I had to put them back on for him. I also made it out to a movie and dinner with Dan, Shannon and Michelle. Good times where had by all that day.
The drive back was pretty uneventful. I just want you all to know that traffic jams suck. People should know many miles in advance what exit they need and get into position to get to it instead of waiting until the last possible minute to change lanes.

I'm back to work now and even though I only have two more days of it, it's going to go by pretty slow.