Friday, June 16, 2006

Look, it's a shaking dog!!

Sunday Pedro was in the yard and I was trying to get him to play. He didn't want to. After a while he rolled on his back and started shaking. It was pretty bad and he looked scared. I wasn't too worried about it until he tried to stand up and fell over. He had trouble walking and he couldn't balance himself too well when he tried to eat. I got out the phone book, found an animal hospital and put him in the car. The place was closed. I also didn't see any others. Monday I got him in and they checked him out and took blood. Turns out he had a seizure. It wasn't a bad one, the kind where he loses control of bowels. Tuesday the vet called and said that the blood work showed no metabolic reason for it so they are classifying it as Epilepsy.

There is medicine, but that destroys the liver so they don't want to give it to him if the attacks aren't bad or frequent. I have to watch and see how he does.

I start my socialology class tomorrow night. It's from 5 until 10. I also have it Saturday from 8 until 6 and Sunday 8 until 4. I'll also have it on those times next week. It's just a two week class. Figure it's a quick way to get back into the school thing.

Remember that toe that I smashed in February? Well, it's still bruised and now the nail is loose. I think I might finally lose it, woohoo!

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