Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My last TDY here

I went to Atlanta Thursday to help the Georgia Air National Guard as media support. The Guard took over a building from the Navy since they are moving from Dobbins to Florida. After two hours of being in a meeting that discussed nothing about what I would be doing, I ran into the Army major in charge of media support Saturday. We had things figured out in about 20 minutes.

The hotel we stayed at had happy hour with free drinks. It is possible to have enough drinks in that two hours to get nice and tipsy.

Friday the other two media I was with and I were waiting for our meeting about Saturday when they got a call to cover Biden's tour of the Cobb Civic Center. They wanted an Air Guard crew there to cover it and since we were in the office, and the only three Air Force media there, we went. He was there to tour the flood damage to Georgia and talk to the people living at the shelter since the flooding.

All of the crew from Robins and a few Army went to dinner. There were almost 30 of us and dinner was family stile. That was cool, but the three plus hours it took, not so cool. There was quite a bit of food tho.

I guess they were expecting a huge group of local media to cover the transfer of facilities and wanted me to stay in the media tent and talk about the Air Guard. Hm, I'm Active Duty and don't bother myself with Air Guard Details. There ended up only being four and I signed them in. They didn't ask any questions other than where the ceremony was. That could be because they were all late. The ceremony started late and they still didn't make it in time for the beginning.

It wasn't a bad TDY for my last one in the 116th Air Control Wing. I'm looking forward to frequently being TDY as part of the Hometown News Service in San Antonio.