Sunday, October 09, 2005

Almost there

I will for sure be home tomorrow. I am in St. Robert, MO. There wasn't too much construction on this part of the trip. Did do some more bug collecting though. I don't know what bugs are purple, but I got quite a few of those.

The highway can be boring in the pitch black when the closest vehicles are a mile in either direction of you.

I have also found myself singing along with that Greenday song, Wake Me Up When September Ends. Now, I'm not saying that I like Greenday. Infact I really don't like them at all. Don't know why I like that song, maybe it's just 'cause it's on and I'm bored. However, I do like that Minority song quite a bit. A couple more songs from them and I might have to say I like them. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Quote of the day:

"They are all blond haired and blue eyed gorgeouse people. They all look a like too. That's becouse they are all related." -- Curtis, on the population of Salt Lake City, UT.

OK, he didn't say that today, it was more like Tuesday, but that's ok, it's my blog.

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