Saturday, October 28, 2006

Another one of those days

There I was at work this mornin. I wasn't there 20 minutes and already irritated, and I was the only one in the office. I'm not real sure it's just the going to work thats causing this. It could be other things not work related. I think it is mostly work. And by work I do mean being in the Air Force. Today was one of days when I just want to call this quits. Right now I don't feel like doing this any more. Do I really think that I can last another 14 years? I'm probably crazy. Maybe one more enlistment just so I can get most of my classes done? I am rocking that 4.0 from the other two. Even just one more enlistment is pushing my tollerance limit. That's at least four more years.

Why can't I just quit? Like when my time is up just get out. It can't be thatt hard to, people do it all the time. Maybe it's giving up? Something I'm not too good at. It's not giving up though. I know I can't deal with ass backwardsness and that all the Air Force is. The higher ups aren't looking ot fix the problem, only make it worse.

Maybe I'll
be back into not hating the Air Force, as much, after this TDY. I'm still confused as to why I have to go to Jersey for training they have here.

Well, get past that, and when a certain something else else gets taken care of, and maybe I'll be in a better mood. Remember, I am looking forward to going to the desert. Just so I can do my job and not worry about all the stupid little things here.

I have been on the assignments web site quite a bit the last couple of months looking for a 365 day deployment, but there aren't any yet. My job also isn't one with a 179 day rotation, yet. I will be putting in to extend when I gt there though.

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