Saturday, March 04, 2006

Um, I don't think this is mine

My supervisor got a RIP the other day saying that my EPR is due May 1, and it's an anual. Oh, and it has my old rater's name on it too. So ass backwards the Air Force is. So I take a look at the three EPRs that are in there and while reading them have to check to see if my name is on the top. "Why?" You ask? Well because more than one of them say that I volunteered for things like cooking and doing the haunted house. Now we all know I don't volunteer. They also have a number of jobs that I had nothing to do with. One of them listed a job that I headed up as a job that I just assisted with. I think the supervisor has it taken care of so far. Who knows I'm not too worried about it.

Paper is out and I have a real article but since the wing webmaster is still a douche it's not on the public site. I have to figure out how to post it. Guess that would be a good use for all of the web space the cable company gives out for personal pages.

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